June 30, 2014

Reading Olympics Series Book 1

Title: Woods Runner
Author: Gary Paulsen
Characters: Samuel, Annie, Sam's Parents
Setting:  Pennsylvania during the American Revolution
Book Length: 161 Pages 
Summary: Sam has to go on a rescue mission after his parents are kidnapped during the war. Along the way he is hurt but finds relief in people who help him along the way. During one stop where a particularly nice family feeds him, an attack occurs. He runs away in time, but not before he watches the people who were hiding him die. Their daughter is now an orphan but finds Samuel and he makes sure she stays safe. Annie then becomes his little sister after his parents are saved. 

Lots and lots of history, and really depressing at times but not terribly boring. It's actually a pretty good story, just not even close to my personal favorite list. A lot of story told in a tiny amount of pages. 

  3 out of 5 Stars!
You can let this one stay at the book store.

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