August 11, 2017

We Were Liars

Image result for we were liars

Title: We Were Liars
Author: E. Lockhart
Main Characters: Cadence, Gat, Mirren, Johnny
Setting: Beechwood Island
Book Length: 225 Pages
Summary: The four main characters of this story are known as the Liars. They are cousins and best friends, and they do everything together. After a tragic accident, Cadence is trying to remember a summer forgotten, but with her constant migraines, it won't be easy to put these pieces back together.

Woah. When this book started, it gave me such Gossip Girl vibes, but honestly, this was so much better. I finished it within a few hours, it was so good. Towards the end it was like I couldn't even look away, I just wanted to know how it was going to end! Definitely a great summer read. The fairy tales intertwined with the actual story made me so happy. This was just such an amazing book. And if anyone wants to discuss the plot twist, I am here ;) . That ending had me so shook, I needed to take a break and breathe for a good hour before I could do anything.

Image resultImage resultImage resultImage resultImage result 5 out of 5 stars!
Drop what you are doing and go read this book!!!!!!

*Warning: Does contain curse words. Read at your own discretion.*

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